Hello Everyone,
Into Week 6…… and more to go. Hold in there.
Well, we are all still going well in Valle Romano and I am pleased to report the virus has been kept away. In fact, it seems the figures in our area are very low. Great news. I hope you are all safe and well, wherever you are.
As I write the Spanish govt. are considering extending the lockdown until mid-May. They have made a few concessions though, children allowed out, a couple of types of business to reopen, that sort of thing. We are all waiting to see how this gradual relaxation of the current rules work. When can schools reopen, shops, bars and restaurants? Estate Agents?! Golf course?!! The list goes on. I can’t help but notice the Tax man’s office never closed.
It seems one of the ways to reopen the country will be by age groups. I understand that on one hand, but it’s a little complicated on the other. At Castles, for example, that means that I will be the last person to return to work. Now, I’m not to concerned about the “lunatics have taken over the asylum” analogy. We do have a great team. However, have the Spanish Govt. for one moment considered how much stick I will get when I am finally allowed to return. Please, Sr. Pedro Sanchez, consider the next step carefully.
A queue again outside Mercadona on Monday. It was still well organised and we all waited in an orderly fashion. “Security Guy” clearly knows his stuff. I suspected some people were trying to queue jump by parking underground and joining the line outside the lift. Sneaky. “Security Guy “ was on the ball though and he sent them to the back. A bit of arm waving followed suggesting a half-hearted protest but nothing else. Blood pressure increase over queue jumpers? I must be more British than I thought.
The plastic glove protocol has also been updated. Gloves on then wash hands now. It makes sense. I have a new frustration now though. Opening the blummin’ plastic bags for fruit with plastic gloves on. It’s almost impossible. It’s so bad the staff were doing it for the customers, me included. I think it adds about 20 minutes to shopping time and maybe explains the queue outside.
Anyway, a tick against everything on the list. The panic buying hopefully consigned to history. And yes, I had another full shipping order of decent plonk.
I still don’t know when to take the plastic gloves off. Before I load the car, after, when I get home? And what do I do with the gloves?
I wash my hands as soon as I get back, then put the shopping away and wash my hands again after. It works.
Sticking to a daily routine. Breakfast and fire up the computer. Still emails to answer.
The number of enquiries seems to have increased again this week. That’s very reassuring. We had a couple of sales postponed in the first week as Notary, lawyers, banks etc were uncertain of what they could and couldn’t do. Nobody was sure if they could even open in the first week or so. I am pleased to report that on the legal and banking side it’s back to business as usual – whilst keeping to the social distancing guide lines. Those sales have now completed so despite the lockdown clients are still looking to the future.
Several clients have come back to us regarding properties they have seen in the past. Many are just looking for updates and we are always happy to oblige. Some have made offers and a couple have been accepted. Some people are saying the world will be changed forever. Well, we still have our unspoilt beaches, our glorious sunshine and our relaxed way of life. Not everything changes.
I heard that builders merchants were open again. This mainly meant my excuse of not having any paint was blown out of the water. We managed to get someone to deliver it (many thanks Fred) so that’s my list of excuses exhausted. Looks like I’m painting for the next couple of days. At least Mum won’t complain about the noise this time.
After that I’ll need another project. I’m sure something will come up.
I still haven’t summoned the courage to unleash my 9 iron from our garden to the 14th green at Valle Romano. A slice puts it into one villa and a hook into another. Quite irresponsible of me to consider it. I’m quite accurate with a 9 iron though….
Pet Watch.
I think we might consider a way of getting the dog back soon. I’m sure he’s having a ball at my sisters but Mum could do with him now. The not leaving the plot restrictions is hard on her because she doesn’t understand. She’s become a little paranoid thinking it’s only her that’s not allowed out. It’s probably what upsets her the most (seeing as though her wine delivery chain remains unaffected). If we have Dobbie back, she could take him for walks which is all she wants to do.
Weight Watch.
Another great week in my rustico gym. A small group of us have found a new way to motivate each other. One of the gang was out walking in the woods with his missus. She filmed him lifting a few logs during an impromptu workout. The next day I sent a video of my circuit training. Then someone else did and so on… Some of the videos are funny but others are really useful with some handy hints. It has certainly revitalised my training and I’ll adopt a few of the hints when I train again later.
That said, I’m still eating to much. Fact.
Beard Watch.
As you may know, I shaved my new beard off last week because it was confusing my Mum. By the way, when I say “beard” I mean scraggy bit of stubble on the end of my chin. Anyway, it was long enough to confuse Mum so off it came. Unfortunately, I may have done it a little late. She recognises me again which is good but sometimes she looks for the other person with the beard. She still asks if she should lay a place for him at the dinner table each evening.
That’s me done for this week.
Good luck folks. Stay safe and well.
It’s great to hear from you guys so keep in touch.